Ostarine Review: How It Works, Side Effects, and Dosage

Speak to any seasoned SARMs users, and they’ll tell you they’ve used Ostarine at one point or another. To be more specific, Ostarine is popular among first-time SARMs users. We’ll explain why in a moment.

It’s also for the same reason that experienced SARMs users take Ostarine but as part of a SARMs stack. In case you don’t know, SARMs stacks are a combination of multiple SARMs that are usually used by seasoned SARMs users for quick and better results.

In this quick Ostarine review, we’re going to tell you what Ostarine is and why it’s so popular in the SARMs world. We’ll also tell you the best Ostarine results you can expect.

Let’s jump right in.

What is Ostarine?

Ostarine is a selective androgen receptor modulator produced by GTx Inc. It’s also known as Enobosarm or MK2866.

Ostarine is most popular among first-time SARMs users because it’s one of the mildest SARMs around. This allows users to run a full Ostarine cycle with minimal to no severe adverse reactions—very few people who take Ostarine at the recommended dose experience any side effects.

Its mild nature also makes Ostarine one of the best SARMs for stacking. Users can include it in a double or even triple SARMs stack, and it’ll coordinate really well to deliver brilliant results.

What results are those? Well, Ostarine can be used for bulking and cutting. It’s powerful enough to deliver noticeable changes while still retaining its mildness. We’ll talk more about the Ostarine before and after results later.

For now, let’s look at how Ostarine affects your body.

How does Ostarine work?

Ostarine works like any other SARM. The compound targets specific androgen receptors, modulating them to produce various effects in the body.

Like other SARMs, ostarine goes after the androgen receptors located in the muscle and bone tissues. This results in various processes that lead to increased muscle mass and fat loss.

What’s more interesting is that Ostarine is also known to support muscle growth even when on a calorie-deficit diet. This is why bodybuilders and athletes love the compound. It helps with building a lean physique without putting muscle gains at risk.

Ostarine’s ability to cut fat and boost muscle growth is also another reason seasoned SARMs users are always keen to add Ostarine to their bulking and cutting stacks.

With all this in mind, it’s worth remembering that since Ostarine is not very powerful, it doesn’t deliver the most dramatic results.

For example, Testolone and Ligandrol users typically report much better results since those two compounds are miles ahead of Ostarine in terms of potency. Essentially, Ostarine trades a bit of potency for safety.

So, if your priority is safety, we recommend Ostarine MK2866. It probably can’t get any safer than this.

Next, we’ll discuss the benefits of Ostarine.

Ostarine Results

Let’s now get to the juicy bit. Here are some of the Ostarine results you can expect after cycling the SARM for several weeks. Keep in mind that some results set in sooner than others.

Here’s what you can expect from Ostarine:

1.   Muscle growth

Ostarine is quite effective at building muscle mass. This comes as no surprise to anyone who has background knowledge of Ostarine and SARMs in general.

You see, most of these compounds were initially created for medicinal use. They were supposed to be used to treat muscle wasting and bone degeneration. That’s why they were engineered to target the androgen receptor in those particular locations.

Ostarine was one of those compounds that were supposed to be used to treat muscle wasting. In addition to preventing this condition, scientists noted that the compound also enhanced muscle growth.

Besides that, there is anecdotal evidence showing the effectiveness of Ostarine in boosting muscle growth. Users gain upwards of 5 pounds using the compound.

There’s a caveat, though. The users reporting excellent muscle growth results after using Ostarine usually support it with an appropriate diet and workout regimen. This is very important with all SARMs, really.

2.   Fat loss

As pointed out earlier, Ostarine also promotes fat loss. The SARM triggers your body to break down stored fat for energy. This results in both fat loss and increased energy and stamina levels.

If your primary focus is fat loss, we can recommend pairing Ostarine with another compound called Cardarine. Normally, it wouldn’t be advisable to use two SARMs simultaneously if you have no experience with either.

However, a little research will show you that Cardarine is not really a SARM. And that’s why you can combine these two compounds for cutting. Cardarine is super effective at burning excess body fat, so it’ll support Ostarine to deliver exemplary results.

But as we’ve already found out, these compounds are not magic solutions. Sure, they do promote fat loss, but you need to make some lifestyle changes for the best results.

3.   Increased muscle strength

Ostarine will boost your strength, energy, and endurance. This is mostly due to the increased fat breakdown. The compound encourages your body to break down fat for energy and strength.

That means lethargy should not be a problem while on an Ostarine cycle.

You’ve only seen the good part of Ostarine so far. Let’s now flip the coin and look at the ugly.

Ostarine side effects

The good news here is that Ostarine has not been linked to any severe side effects. Cases of adverse effects are also very rare, usually caused by abusing the drug or taking a low-quality/contaminated compound.

That aside, Ostarine has been linked to cases of joint pain and sleep disturbance.

Moreover, Ostarine causes testosterone suppression, an issue common among all SARMs. Luckily you can reverse testosterone suppression through SARMs PCT.

OSTA 2866

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How to use Ostarine

You are directed to use between 10 and 20mg per day of Ostarine. The SARM should be used in 8 to 10-week cycles.

We usually recommend first-time SARMs users start with just 10mg per day in a short 8-week cycle. You can up the dose to 15mg and then 20mg if your body responds well to the drug.

For the cycle, we’ll recommend pushing it to 10 weeks from your second cycle. Never go beyond 10 weeks.

Where to buy Ostarine

You can buy Ostarine online from SARMs vendors. Note that the market is full of all types of SARMs suppliers. But unfortunately, not all of them are keen on ensuring they deliver safe and potent SARMs.

As such, we recommend going with the best SARMs vendors that have a track record of selling pure and potent SARMs. Some of our top recommendations are Crazy Bulk, Chemyo, and PureRawz.

Wrapping up: Does Ostarine really work?

Yes, Ostarine does work. And it’s actually really good at that, as we’ve just seen. Although it’s most popular for being a user-friendly SARM, Ostarine can be used by virtually everyone who needs decent results.

It’s great for both bulking and cutting. You can also use it alongside other SARMs for bigger and better results.

With all that said, we’d like to reiterate the importance of buying Ostarine (or any other SARM) from the right vendors. You don’t want to end up nursing adverse reactions because of taking contaminated or lased compounds.

We recommend going with Chemyo or Crazybulk.

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