Exploring the benefits of the best SARMs for athletic performance

Are you looking for an effective yet safe way to take your performance to the next level? In this quick review, we cover the best SARMs for athletic performance. SARMs that will increase your energy levels, stamina, and endurance, taking your overall performance to its peak.

The SARMs achieve this in various ways. While others will simply trigger your androgen receptors to boost muscle strength and endurance, others will break down excess body fat to fuel your body. Needless to say that they achieve all that without affecting your hard-earned muscle gains.

So, here is our list of the best SARMs for athletic performance:

1.  Testolone RAD140

Testolone is perhaps the most powerful SARM you can buy right now. The compound is said to have high anabolic effects, making it super impressive and a bit scary.

Essentially, if you want fast and impressive results, then you can hardly do better than Testolone. However, you’ll have to be super careful with the dosage and cycle length lest you end up nursing some severe adverse effects.

Among its various benefits, Testolone is known for increasing muscular strength and endurance. The drug will boost your performance significantly partly by stimulating the androgen receptors in the muscle tissue and also by breaking down stored fat.

Unfortunately, Testolone reportedly reduces aerobic endurance. Therefore, it may not be as effective if you’re hoping to increase your performance in activities like running. For this, we recommend considering the other two compounds covered below.

However, if you’re simply looking for a SARM that will enhance your performance in the gym, Testolone is the ultimate choice.

How to take Testolone

Testolone dosages start from as low as 5mg per day. That makes perfect sense, considering how potent the SARM is. In fact, we would recommend first-time users start with just 5mg per day. You can increase the dose to 10mg per day halfway through your cycle.

However, never go beyond 20mg per day.

Testolone cycles can be as short as 6 weeks. Experienced users can extend the cycle to up to 8 weeks. Never go past that.

An effective PCT should accompany every Testolone cycle. This is critical to reverse testosterone suppression, which is common when taking Testolone RAD140.

2.  Stenabolic SR9009

Stenabolic is another compound that will boost your athletic performance considerably. But unlike Testolone, this compound is not a SARM. It’s usually called and sold as a SARM, but it’s a Rev-EerbA ligand.

Stenabolic or SR9009 enhances the activities of the Rev-Erb protein found in the body. This protein is located in different parts of the body, including in the muscle, liver, and fat tissue. In each of this tissue, Stenabolic stimulates different reactions.

For example, in the fat tissue, Stenabolic stimulates your body to use its fat reserves for energy. This facilitates the breakdown of stored fat for fuel. This will improve your performance while promoting fat loss.

In the skeletal muscle tissue, SR9009 increases mitochondria count. Mitochondria play a critical role in turning the energy present in the foods we eat into a version the body can use. Therefore, SR9009 increases the energy levels and endurance of the muscle tissue.

Moreover, it may promote the breakdown of stored fat in the muscle tissue. This boosts muscle definition.

Lastly, SR9009 targets the Rev-Erb protein in the liver tissue to discourage the formation of new fat cells. Although this does little to boost athletic performance, it prevents your body from gaining more fat. It’s, therefore, a great added bonus that will help with your physique.

How to take Stenabolic

Take 30mg daily, split into three servings of 10mg each. This is because Stenabolic has a very low half-life of just 4-6 weeks, so you need to split the dose to ensure the compound remains at high levels in your system.

Stenabolic cycles run for 8 weeks, followed by a break.

Stenabolic is beneficial in so many ways, but it’s infamous for one side effect that you need to be aware of; wakefulness. This compound may affect your sleep quality, making it hard for you to fall asleep.

Most users report that this happens when the drug is taken late in the evening. Therefore, you may want to take your last serving a few hours before going to bed.

3.  Cardarine GW501516

Cardarine is an excellent alternative to Testolone. As we said, Testolone is not exactly the best choice if your priority is aerobic performance. Well, for that, Cardarine is one of your best options.

Cardarine is a brilliant PPAR receptor agonist produced by Ligand Pharmaceuticals. The compound binds to PPAR receptors to increase your muscle oxidative capacity and switch your body’s energy source from glucose to fat. This results in peak athletic performance accompanied by fat loss.

This compound will boost your performance in running, swimming, rowing, cycling, and any other activity that requires great aerobic capacity.

It’s also worth mentioning that in addition to improved athletic performance, Cardarine will also deliver benefits such as improved cardiovascular, liver, and kidney health.

It can also be a great option for people who want to lose weight. However, they’ll need to support it with the right diet and training routine.

How to take Cardarine

Take between 10 and 25 mg per day. Start with a low dosage if you’ve never used the compound before. You can increase the dose gradually as your system gets used to it.

Cycle Cardarine for 8 weeks taking sufficient breaks in between.

Besides the three SARMs discussed above, we also want to mention a few other compounds that can be effective in boosting performance. These include Ostarine and Ligandrol. Ostarine is particularly recommended for people who have never taken SARMs before. Its mild nature will ensure you don’t encounter any unnecessary complications.

Ligandrol is slightly more powerful than Ostarine, but it can still be used by beginners. But we’ll recommend watching the dosages carefully. Both SARMs should be used in short 8-week cycles with breaks and PCT in between.

Are SARMs legal in sports?

No, SARMs are not legal in sports.

Since we’re talking about the best SARMs for athletic performance, it’s worth mentioning that SARMs are prohibited by WADA.

Therefore, if you’re thinking of using SARMs while preparing for the Olympics or other regulated competitions, you may want to reconsider. This is because the drugs are banned in these sports and can get you in trouble. And yes, there are tests that can detect SARMs in your system.

In Conclusion

To close it out, Testolone, Stenabolic, and Cardarine are the best SARMs for athletic performance. Testolone is particularly effective if you simply want to improve your performance in the gym.

Meanwhile, Stenabolic and Cardarine come in handy if you also want enhanced aerobic performance for activities like running and cycling. We’ve also given you two bonus compounds that you can experiment with.

Finally, be sure to buy your SARMs from reputable vendors that can guarantee purity and potency. This is essential to ensure you’re not taking possibly harmful compounds or underdosed ones.

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