RAD150 review: The Key to Building Muscle and Enhancing Performance

Everyone knows about Testolone or RAD140. However, very few people have heard of RAD150. The two have very similar names, plus they’re produced by the same company.

If you’re the type of bodybuilder that’s always trying to stay ahead of the curve, you’ll find this review very insightful. We’ll tell you what RAD150 is and why you may want to consider adding it to your cycles.

Let’s start at the very top:

What is RAD150?


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RAD 150 is a powerful new selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) that is quickly making waves in the fitness world. It’s an enhanced version of RAD 140, known as TLB 150 Benzoate.

This SARM boasts faster results and higher bioavailability thanks to its extended half-life. Esterification, a chemical process that’s been gaining popularity among researchers, is what gives RAD 150 its extra edge. This process is used to stabilize and improve the amount of the drug that the body can utilize.

RAD 150 was first developed by Radius Health INC. It is considered one of the most effective and beneficial anabolic esters available on the market today. RAD 150 offers a wide range of benefits for the body thanks to its superior drug metabolism and enhanced absorption rate.

Also, its enhanced formula does not mean new or higher risks. Like other SARMs, RAD150 still binds to androgen receptors selectively to minimize the risk of adverse effects. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about it introducing new risks or being as harmful as anabolic steroids.

That said, it’s not without its own issues. So stick around to find out the potential risks of taking RAD150.

How does RAD150 work

SARMs, such as RAD 150, have a unique mechanism of action compared to traditional anabolic compounds. One of the key differences is their selectivity in binding to androgen receptors.

That allows the compounds to reduce the risk of side effects commonly associated with anabolic compounds. Selective binding facilitates the activation of the androgen receptor, which ultimately results in an increase in muscle mass, reduction in recovery time,  fat burning, and overall enhancement of strength.

But RAD150 is not like any other SARM. The added ester in RAD 150 is believed to enhance its performance even more when compared to its older brother RAD 140. This results in even more impressive gains in muscle mass and strength.

RAD150 benefits

So, what sort of RAD150 results should you expect? Here are some of the key benefits of RAD150, as reported by most users:

1.   Boosts muscle growth

This is perhaps the most significant benefit of RAD150. We need to take a few steps back to explain how exactly the SARM achieves this.

Androgen receptors are special proteins present in cells throughout the body. That includes in your muscle cells. They act as some kind of gatekeeper, allowing hormones like testosterone to bind to them and influence the activity of different genes within the cell. This process plays a crucial role in muscle hypertrophy (muscle growth).

RAD 150 is a SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator) that mimics the effects of androgens like testosterone in these receptors. It hence helps to achieve greater muscle mass and strength. When RAD 150 binds to androgen receptors, it activates them, leading to an increase in muscle mass.

It’s also worth noting that some anecdotal evidence suggests that the increase in muscle mass experienced with RAD 150 may depend on the amount of dose used. Essentially, the higher the dosage, the greater the muscle growth.

However, more research is needed to confirm this and to determine the optimal dosage for muscle growth.

2.   Promotes fat loss

RAD 140 and RAD 150 are considered special as they are known to promote “dry gains.” This basically means that the muscle growth the SARMs boost is lean muscle mass, not some bloated muscle gains. As a result, the user will always look leaner with better muscle definition, even though they may not have lost a considerable amount of body fat.

Nevertheless, RAD150 increases the metabolic rate throughout your body. This leads to the body burning more calories even at rest. The end result is a decrease in overall body fat.

Even though RAD 150 is powerful, it’s not a magic pill. Therefore, you’ll also need to switch to a caloric deficit diet for the best fat-loss results. That essentially means eating fewer calories. The results get even better when you also increase physical activity.

3.   Increases endurance and strength

RAD 150 is known to increase endurance by promoting the production of red blood cells, which carry oxygen to different parts of the body, including the muscle tissues. This leads to an increase in energy levels during workouts, allowing you to push yourself harder and for longer periods of time.

The SARM may also increase your body’s ability to use fat as a source of energy, delaying fatigue.

RAD 150 is believed to increase muscle strength when combined with regular exercise and a healthy diet. It promotes feelings of aggression and intensity during training. Users have reported that these effects are more pronounced compared to RAD 140.

Additionally, as the weeks go by, the user may experience increased muscle pumps and overcome previous lifting limitations.

Is RAD150 safe

The most notable side effect of RAD150 is increased aggression. As we mentioned above, the drug causes an increase in aggression and intensity which can boost your performance in the gym.

Unfortunately, the same effect can also be troublesome. You may experience it in your everyday life, which can cause some problems. It’s definitely something to keep an eye on.

The other RAD150 side effects include testosterone suppression and headaches, among a few users. There are also reports that the drug can accelerate hair shedding in people who are already predisposed to the condition.

Additionally, it may increase your blood pressure which can be a serious issue. It’s, therefore, worth monitoring your blood pressure while taking the drug. This is particularly critical for users who already have hypertension.

How to take RAD150

Being such a powerful SARM, you don’t need lots of the drug to achieve the desired results. At dosages of just 5-10mg per day, you can see impressive results that are almost impossible to achieve with other less potent SARMs like Ligandrol and even Testolone.

That said, most people take RAD150 at 10mg per day for 8 weeks. You’re free to start with a lower dosage if you want to play it safe.

Where to buy RAD150

You can buy RAD150 online. However, we’ll recommend purchasing the drug from reputable stores.

There are tons of SARMs suppliers, but very few have robust quality control policies to guarantee purity and quality. Check out our recommended SARMs vendors to ensure you’re getting safe and effective RAD150 that will get you the desired results.


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In Closing

RAD150  may be a new kid on the block, but it has so much potential. The drug is more potent than the renowned Testolone RAD140, with better bioavailability. It also lasts longer in the body.

That means you can enjoy even better results using low dosages. With that said, we’ll recommend using the drug carefully to avoid the adverse reactions highlighted above. Also, make sure you’re buying your supplies from a reputable vendor

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