RAD-140 review: Is It the Best Choice for Muscle Growth and Strength Gain?

RAD140 is as exciting as it is scary. It is one of those SARMs that have a remarkable reputation for being extremely potent. In fact, most SARM enthusiasts would tell you that only experienced SARM users should take it. Rightly so.

On the flip side, the SARM is scary because it’s so easy to mess around while using it, which can quickly result in severe complications. Being so potent, you have to be extremely careful how you use RAD140 lest you end up in the ER.

This RAD140 review will tell you everything you need to know about the SARM. We’ll explain the results you can expect, how to take it correctly to minimize the risk of side effects, and the best place to buy RAD140.

Let’s start at the beginning:

What is RAD140?

RAD140, or Testolone, is a selective androgen receptor modulator produced by Radius Health Inc. The SARM is most popular for two things. First, it’s potency.

Most SARMs users argue that this is the most potent SARM you can buy right now. Others say it’s only second to S23. Whatever the case is, everyone agrees that Testolone RAD140 is an extremely potent SARM that shouldn’t be taken lightly.

The second reason behind Testolone RAD140’s popularity is its muscle-building abilities. Most RAD140 reviews will tell you that it’s one of the best SARMs for muscle growth. Users see exceptional gains within a few weeks of taking the SARM. And they can gain upwards of 8 pounds per cycle!

Although the ultimate result depends on how you use the SARM and your body’s reaction, we believe anyone serious about building muscles with SARMs should seriously consider RAD140.

Now, the issue with RAD140 is that its extreme potency is also its biggest shortcoming. Why? For starters, beginners cannot use this drug. RAD140 can get too powerful too quickly, leading to serious medical complications.

Second, RAD140 side effects are usually more pronounced than any reactions you’d see from other SARMs. We’re talking about testosterone suppression in particular.


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How does RAD140 work

Testolone works like any other SARM, except it, has a much higher anabolic androgenic ratio. What that means is that it will also target your bone and muscle tissues just like any other SARM.

However, unlike SARMs like Ostarine, which are super mild, Testolone will modulate the androgen receptors at a more intense degree. This is what causes faster and bigger results.

For some context, testosterone has an anabolic androgenic ratio of 1:1. Meanwhile, Ligandrol has an anabolic androgenic ratio of about 10:1. That’s pretty impressive. But listen to this. Testolone has an anabolic androgenic ratio of 90:1! That’s sick.

But note that even the most potent SARM doesn’t work in isolation. For the best results, it’s highly recommended that you adopt a great workout routine and diet.

So if you’re trying to add some muscle mass, you’ll need to add some protein-rich foods into your diet and spice up your training routine with some deadlifts, pull-ups, bench presses, shoulder presses, and deadlifts.

Let’s now look at some of the top Testolone RAD140 before and after results, as reported by users.

RAD140 results

Here’s what you can expect from a Testolone RAD140 cycle:

1.   Rapid muscle growth

This is by far the most impressive RAD140 result. In a normal 8-week cycle supported with the right diet and workout routine, RAD140 users experience gains of between 7 and 8 pounds.

Now, if you up things a bit to ensure you have an “above average” cycle, i.e., have a strict diet and workout routine, you can see gains of up to 12 pounds per cycle. That’s really good.

2.   Fat loss

This is another common Testolone RAD140 benefit. The SARM is known for promoting body recomposition. That’s when it helps the body gain muscle mass while also cutting excess body fat. This results in a lean physique.

Testolone tends to promote fat loss by encouraging the body to burn fat for energy. That results in two benefits to the user; a decrease in body fat percentage and a boost in energy levels.

That brings us to the next point.

3.   Increased energy and strength

The breakdown of excess body fat results in increased energy levels. This should be really helpful, especially since you’ll want to spend more time in the gym to get optimal results.

It doesn’t stop there, either. Users also report increased muscle strength, stamina, and endurance while using Testolone RAD140. This should smoothen your life in the gym even further.

4.   Vascularity

Vascularity is something so many bodybuilders chase. Others spend hundreds of dollars on products that can get rid of excess body fat and have their muscles and veins pop.

Testolone RAD140 can help with this. The drug is extremely effective at building muscle mass. It also promotes fat loss. So when taken correctly, it’ll remove all the excess fat on the surface to showcase your lean gains.

What are the dangers of RAD140?

The biggest issue with Testolone RAD140 is suppression. Being so potent, you can expect Testolone to cause intense testosterone suppression. This means you’ll also need an equally effective SARMs PCT.

Besides that, it’s highly advisable to never overdose on Testolone or prolong the cycles. This can escalate suppression even further.

In addition, Testolone may cause aggression, stomach aches, headaches, and some hair loss.

How to take RAD140

Testolone RAD140 dosages start from as low as 5mg per day since it’s so powerful. Users can, however, go as high as 30 mg per day.

For new users, 5mg per day is the perfect starting point. Test the waters with this dose and see how well your body tolerates it. You can then up the dose gradually to a maximum of 30mg per day.

Cycle lengths last 8 weeks.

Where to buy RAD140

You can buy Testolone RAD140 online from stores such as Chemyo and Crazybulk. We recommend these SARMs suppliers because they have strict quality control policies.

Testolone is extremely powerful as it is. The last thing you want is to end up with a contaminated version of the SARM.

Moreover, these vendors have excellent customer reviews, decent prices, good customer support, and a great money-back guarantee.

Wrapping up: Is RAD140 worth it?

That’s a tricky question. And we definitely don’t want to give you the generic “It depends” answer. So, here’s our take.

Testolone RAD140 is worth it if you are an experienced SARMs user seeking nothing but the best the SARMs world has to offer. This SARM is only comparable to S23, which is a beast in its own right.

With your experience and ambition, RAD140 will be worth it for you as it’ll bring you closer to your goals. Still, we’d advise you to take the drug carefully as recommended above. You don’t want to get overambitious and reckless.

For individuals who haven’t used SARMs long enough, we’ll recommend going for a slightly milder, albeit potent SARM like LGD4033.

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