SR9009 Stenabolic Review: The Ultimate Performance Enhancer

Very few products are as prolific as Stenabolic SR9009 as far as boosting athletic performance goes. That’s according to hundreds of user reviews available online.

Users report that this alleged selective androgen receptor modulator boosts energy, stamina, and endurance resulting in peak performance among users. But is it really that good? Is it a SARM you can rely on to take your performance in and outside the gym to the next level? And is there anything else you can expect from it?

In this Stenabolic SR9009 review, we’ll unpack everything you need to know about this compound. And before we even go too far, we want to let you know that Stenabolic is not a SARM at all. Read on for this and more details, including the potential side effects of taking SR9009.

What is Stenabolic SR9009?

Stenabolic, also known as SR9009, is a synthetic performance enhancer that’s been causing a crazy stir in the world of athletics. Despite being commonly mistaken as a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator, Stenabolic SR9009 is actually a Rev-ErbA ligand, originally developed for research on circadian rhythms.

What in the world is a Rev-ErbA ligand? At the risk of oversimplifying it, a Rev-ErbA ligand is simply a compound that binds to the Rev-ErbA proteins. These proteins are located in different parts of the body, including in the fat, muscle, and liver tissues.

Okay, and what exactly are circadian rhythms? Well, circadian rhythms are the natural rhythms that govern the daily lives of all living organisms, including humans. These rhythms are endogenous, which means they’re built into our biology. However, they can also adapt to external factors like daylight.

Now to the interesting part. How does all this make the drug so appealing to bodybuilders and athletes? The secret lies in the compound’s ability to prevent physical and mental stress, which is synonymous with intense training.

All of us have experienced fatigue, brain fog, and a lack of focus at some point while working out. And that’s where SR9009 becomes resourceful. By activating Rev-Erb alpha proteins, this compound regulates the body’s central clock to combat these symptoms and boost overall performance.

As mentioned earlier, SR9009 is also known for its ability to enhance endurance and respiratory function. It doesn’t stop there, either. It also enhances muscle growth and promotes the burning of stubborn body fat. This perfectly explains why Stenabolic SR9009 has become so popular in the fitness and bodybuilding world.

Let’s take a closer look at the specific Stenabolic SR9009 effects in different parts of the body.

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How does Stenabolic SR9009 work

As we mentioned earlier, Stenabolic works by targeting Rev-ErbA proteins, and these proteins can be found in different parts of the body. We’re going to discuss the effect of Stenabolic SR9009 on the Rev-Erb alpha proteins located in the muscle, fat, and liver tissue.

These are the locations where Stenabolic ends up producing most of the effects it’s so popular for.


In muscle tissue, Stenabolic is popular for increasing the mitochondria count. Mitochondria are tiny powerhouses responsible for producing energy in the cells. The more we have, the greater our endurance.

SR9009 not only increases our mitochondria count, but it also activates them. This results in even greater improvement in endurance.

But that’s not all – SR9009 also promotes fat loss by encouraging the mitochondria in our muscles to burn fat for energy.

Essentially, Stenabolic SR9009 not only boosts endurance by increasing and activating the mitochondria in muscle tissue but also by burning excess body fat for fuel. That also means that Stenabolic is also an incredible compound for cutting.


Stenabolic stimulates an interesting effect on the liver. You see, Rev-ErbA helps in blocking the production of new fat cells in the body. It achieves this by binding to the existing fat cells and removing them from the body.

Now, when you take Stenabolic, this effect is enhanced since the drug activates the Rev-ErbA proteins.

In summary, SR9009 inhibits the production of new fat cells in the liver, helping users stay lean and fit. And this explains why the drug is so popular in cutting cycles. It keeps excess body fat away, and it does this without eating into the lean muscle gains.

Needless to say that it also does this without affecting your performance.


Finally, Stenabolic targets the Rev-ErbA proteins in the fat tissue triggering them to burn stored fat for fuel. This results in rapid fat loss as well as a boost in energy levels.

Additional reports also suggest that the compound combats the storage of excess body fat. It achieves this by blocking the gene responsible for storing fat.

Benefits of Stenabolic SR9009

From the Stenabolic working mechanism we’ve just discussed, you can already tell the sort of results to expect. However, the compound does more than we’ve covered above. So let’s quickly rush over the Stenabolic SR9009 before and after results most users enjoy:

●     High endurance and stamina

This is by far the most popular effect of Stenabolic. So much so that even WADA recognizes the drug’s impact on endurance that it bans it from athletes. Therefore, if you’re an athlete participating in a regulated sport, you want to stay away from Stenabolic. Otherwise, you risk a ban or fine.

Stenabolic’s impact on endurance and stamina usually sets in within the first week or so of taking the drug. You’ll feel the impact even more as you continue using it. It’s also advisable to make the necessary changes to your diet and workout routine for the best results.

●     Increased fat loss

We’ve shown how Stenabolic promotes fat loss. First, it encourages your body to turn to fat for energy. This directly leads to fat loss.

Also, the drug will block the formation of new fat cells. This will prevent fat gain to enhance your physique.

●     Reduced inflammation

Not many people are aware of this Stenabolic benefit. The drug reduces inflammation, hence decreasing the risk of swelling and pain in joints and muscles.

In addition, less inflammation reduces the risk of contracting chronic conditions like heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.

●     Improved cardiovascular health

Lastly, Stenabolic SR9009 may enhance your cardiovascular health by reducing blood cholesterol. This has been observed in animal studies. It would be interesting to see how effective the drug is in humans, as that can be a game changer.

Potential side effects of Stenabolic SR9009

Stenabolic has not been linked to a lot of side effects. However, a few users have reported issues such as wakefulness or a disturbance in sleep pattern, stomach pain, and headaches.

How to take Stenabolic SR9009

Take 30mg per day for 8 weeks. Stenabolic has a half-life of around 5 hours, so you can split the dose into two or three servings of 10mg each. Take a break after each cycle before starting a new one.

Where to buy SR9009

You can buy Stenabolic online from SARMs vendors. Among the most reputable SARMs store to get your Stenabolic supplies from are Chemyo, Crazybulk, and Pure Rawz.

It’s critical to buy the SARM from reputable vendors as most SARMs stores don’t stock quality SARMs. As you can imagine, taking a contaminated or ineffective SARM can not only be a waste of money and time but also a major risk to your well-being.

In Closing: Does Stenabolic work?

Yes, Stenabolic works remarkably well in boosting endurance and stamina. In addition, it promotes fat loss and can benefit your cardiovascular health.

So, if you’re on the market looking for the best compound for endurance, Stenabolic comes highly recommended.

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