Best SARMs for Nerve Damage: How to Maximize Nerve Regeneration?

Nerve damage is fairly common in the bodybuilding and fitness world. Daily exercises and strenuous workouts can all lead to nerve damage. Sometimes it can even be a result of gym accidents.

Whatever the case is, nerve damage can be super painful. Additionally, it can put a halt to your fitness journey. That can be a real problem, especially if you are working with a goal in mind or are preparing for a particular event.

The good news is several compounds, including SARMs, can speed up your recovery. And what makes SARMs an even better option is the fact they will also promote your muscle-building and fat-loss efforts as you recover.

Read on to learn about the best SARMs for nerve damage.

1.  Ibutamoren MK677

Ibutamoren is a growth hormone secretagogue with remarkable healing properties. The drug stimulates the production of insulin-like growth factor -1 and growth hormone (GH). The rise in growth hormone results is what promotes healing.

As you may already know, the human growth hormone maintains tissues in the body. That includes tendons and other muscle tissues. Therefore, Ibutamoren can speed up the regeneration and healing of damaged nerves in the body.

Ibutamoren is also known for promoting rapid muscle growth. Therefore, this drug can ensure you’re at least retaining your gains. And if you manage to train, the drug will help you add some lean mass with ease.

Another popular Ibutamoren benefit is fat loss. The drug stimulates fat breakdown resulting in fat loss while increasing strength, energy, and stamina.

Something else unique to Ibutamoren is it improves sleep quality and skin and hair health. You won’t get these benefits with any other SARM. That’s all thanks to the increase in growth hormone and IGF-1, which can only be accomplished by MK677.

Ibutamoren dosage

Take between 10 and 25 mg per day for 16 to 20 weeks. You can start with 25mg per day if you already have experience using SARMs. Otherwise, we’ll encourage you to start with just 10mg per day and then increase the dose about 4 to 5 weeks into the cycle. You can also increase the dose in subsequent cycles.

Make sure to take at least a 5-week break after each Ibutamoren cycle.

2.  Ostarine MK2866

Ostarine is the best SARM for beginners. The drug is super mild, allowing many first-time SARMs users to enjoy the vast benefits of SARMs without experiencing any severe adverse reactions.

One such benefit is healing. Ostarine is reported to have healing properties that can accelerate your recovery from issues like nerve damage. In addition, Ostarine is known for healing muscle and bone-related injuries. 

Like other SARMs, you can also rely on Ostarine to boost muscle growth, fat loss, bone health, strength, stamina, and libido. A few reports even suggest that Ostarine can improve cognition.

That said, you should know that Ostarine causes several side effects. The most notable is testosterone suppression. Actually, all SARMs cause testosterone suppression because they mimic the actions of testosterone. That stimulates the body to reduce the production of natural testosterone because it thinks there’s already enough of the hormone.

While you will not feel the effects of testosterone suppression while using Ostarine, you will experience the issues after the cycles. That’s why it’s advisable to go through a SARMs PCT to restore optimal testosterone production.

Ostarine dosage

Take between 15 and 20mg per day for 8 to 10 weeks. Follow this up with post-cycle therapy before starting another cycle.

3.  Ligandrol LGD4033

Ligandrol is one of the best-selling selective androgen receptor modulators. The SARM is popularly used in bulking cycles, where it helps users add an excess of 8 pounds of muscle mass in a single cycle.

In addition to building muscle mass, Ligandrol has healing properties. It boosts bone mineral density and can speed up recovery from nerve damage. It may also help with tendonitis, another common problem among bodybuilders.

Other Ligandrol benefits include increased muscle strength, stamina, and endurance.

Like Ostarine, Ligandrol will also cause testosterone suppression. And since the SARM is more potent, you can expect it to cause more testosterone suppression. Luckily, the issue can still be reversed with a decent SARMs PCT.

Ligandrol dosage

Use between 2.5 and 15mg per day. Cycles should run for 8 to 12 weeks.

Ligandrol can be quite powerful, so we’ll encourage first-time SARMs users to start at 2.5mg for a short cycle of not more than 10 weeks. You can increase the dose gradually during the cycle if your body responds positively to the drug.

Final Thoughts

SARMs have healing properties that can be helpful in treating nerve damage. The best SARMs for this purpose are Ligandrol and Ostarine. Though not a SARM, Ibutamoren may also promote healing since it boosts growth hormone production.

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