The Best SARMs for Women’s Weight Loss That You Need to Try

SARMs are extremely popular for muscle building and fat loss. They are also a favorite among many athletes because they are pretty safe despite being so potent.

Unfortunately, the story gets a little complicated when it comes to women using SARMs.

You see, SARMs mimic the actions of androgens such as testosterone. As such, they pose the risk of virilization among female users. Virilization is a condition where women experience characteristics that are typically associated with men. They can get really ugly.

But that’s not the case with all SARMs. Several SARMs are safe enough to be enjoyed by women without exposing them to any severe adverse effects.

So, in this guide, we’re going to discuss the best SARMs for women’s weight loss. We’ll tell you how they will help you lose weight and the safe dosages to use.

1.  Ostarine MK2866

Ostarine is the best SARM for women’s weight loss for several reasons. First, the SARM is really good at getting the job done. It stimulates the body to break down stored fat for energy. This can lead to significant weight loss, especially if you’re keen to support it with a healthy diet and a good workout routine.

The second reason is that Ostarine is mild. That means women can use it without worrying about virilization or any other similar side effects. Essentially, the drug will help you burn excess fat without experiencing clitoral enlargement, voice deepening, or irregular hair growth.

Ostarine is also known for protecting or maintaining muscle mass, even during a caloric deficit diet. Therefore, if you’re just interested in burning some excess fat but want to keep your body looking fit, you’ll find Ostarine MK2866 very helpful.

Finally, we love Ostarine as a weight loss SARM for women because it also boosts energy and strength levels. This is in contrast to most of the women’s weight loss supplements you’ll find in the market. These supplements typically leave women feeling lethargic.

With the boost in energy and strength, you should be able to carry on your daily task without any issues whatsoever. Moreover, it should help you with your workouts. You’ll have enough energy and stamina to maintain a consistent training routine in the gym.

The bonus benefit of using Ostarine for weight loss is that it can also boost muscle growth.

How to take ostarine for weight loss

You can start with an Ostarine dosage of 5mg per day. This is usually a good starting point that guarantees results without any severe risks.

However, for better results, you’ll want to increase the dosage gradually to a maximum of around 15mg per day.

The SARM should be used in an 8-week cycle. Though experienced users can take it for up to 10 weeks.

Now typically, Ostarine users would need to go through post-cycle therapy to counter the effects of testosterone suppression.

However, women do not experience any suppression. Therefore, you won’t need to take any SARMs PCT after using Ostarine or any other SARM. Just take a regular break after each cycle before jumping on another one. Breaks can be anything from 4 to 8 weeks.

2.  Cardarine GW501516

Second we have Cardarine GW501516. Some would argue that this compound is just as brilliant as Ostarine (if not more) in promoting fat loss for women. And they’ll have a point because Cardarine is the best compound for cutting overall.

But wait, why is it not position one, then? Well, we’ve placed Cardarine in the second position because it’s technically not a SARM.

Cardarine is a PPAR receptor agonist. It binds to PPAR receptors stimulating two processes. First, it increases the oxidative capacity of the muscle tissues. This promotes fat loss while also increasing muscle stamina and endurance.

Second, Cardarine switches your body’s energy source from glucose to fat. This accelerates fat loss even more.

As you can already guess, fat loss is not the only Cardarine benefit you’ll enjoy. The drug will also boost your energy levels and stamina. In addition, scientists believe that Cardarine improves cardiovascular, kidney, and liver health.

However, they recommend additional clinical trials to investigate this.

If you’ve researched Cardarine a bit, you must have come across rumors that it can cause cancer. It’s understandable to be concerned about this. However, several studies have proved that Cardarine GW501516 doesn’t cause cancer.

In fact, some trials showed the opposite, i.e., Cardarine helped in fighting the growth of cancerous health.

How to take Cardarine for weight loss

The recommended Cardarine dosage for weight loss is 20mg per day. The drug doesn’t function like a SARM, but it’s still recommended that you take breaks.

Therefore, use Cardarine in an 8-week cycle followed by a break.

3.  Andarine S4

Lastly, we have Andarine S4. Andarine S4 shares lots of similarities with Ostarine. It’s just as mild as Ostarine, but it’s not quite as effective when it comes to burning fat. Still, it can deliver decent results without lots of side effects.

In addition to fat loss, Andarine S4 also increases muscle mass, speeds up recovery, and boosts strength and muscle energy levels.

Andarine can also be used for body recomposition. This basically means using the compound to boost fat loss while also adding lean mass. It’s really helpful, especially for female athletes who want a low body fat percentage while adding some lean gains.

How to take Andarine for weight loss

The recommended Andarine S4 dosage is 50mg per day. It may sound high, but that’s because the compound is not very potent. However, avoid taking more than that.

Also, keep in mind that Andarine has a very short half-life. It stays in the system for only around 8 hours. Therefore, splitting the dose into two or three servings is advisable for the best results.

That means you can take the first 25 mg in the morning and the next 25mg 8 hours later.

Andarine should be used in 8-week cycles. Take a break after each cycle before starting another one.

Wrapping up: Which SARM is best for fat loss in women?

Ostarine is the best SARM for fat loss in women because it’s a mild, safe SARM that’s also known for boosting fat loss while protecting muscle mass. In addition to weight loss, Ostarine can also boost muscle growth and strength.

Cardarine is also a great weight loss SARM for women. Although it doesn’t function like a typical SARM, it does boost rapid fat loss, which most women will appreciate. Also, since it doesn’t function like a SARM, you’ll never have to worry about witnessing clitoral enlargement, voice deepening, irregular hair growth, and other male characteristics.

Finally, you can try out Andarine S4. This is a SARM similar to Ostarine, but not quite as effective in burning fat.

If you’ve identified a SARM worth giving a short from our list above, we recommend buying the SARM from a reputable vendor. Look for one who does third-party testing and has a money-back guarantee. Check out our guide on the best SARMs suppliers for more details.

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